

Whatever your talents, there's a place at St. Eugene for you to help people, make friends and touch lives. Simply fill out a form and someone will contact you to get started!

Food Pantry Ministry - St. Eugene Parish supports two local Food Pantries at St. Martin de Porres and St. Catherine of Alexandria with donations of non perishable food items.  Donated items are delivered each week by one of our generous volunteers.  If you are interested in participating in this Ministry, please call the Parish Office or Mary Ann McEllistrem at mamcellistrem@yahoo.com.

Prayer Quilt Ministry - The St. Monica and St. Eugene Prayer Quilt Ministry meets every Friday at 1pm in the St. Monica Ministry Center quilting room. The quilts go to those in our Parish or community who is in need of some extra support. To request a prayer quilt, click here. To join the Prayer Quilt Ministry, email Norma at normaherbers@gmail.com, or attend a Prayer Quilt Ministry Meeting.